[Air-L] Examples of digital citizenship and (media)literacy guides and projects

Harry Dyer (EDU - Staff) Harry.T.Dyer at uea.ac.uk
Tue Jan 9 04:09:08 PST 2024

Dear Deike,

Much of my own thinking around 'digital citizenship' has been informed by works like Akwugo Emejulu and Callum McGregor's calls for 'radical digital citizenship' here (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17508487.2016.1234494)

To me, it's a really useful discussion that asks us to situate any discussion of technology and citizenship within the contexts of power it creates and sustains. They note, amongst other things that:

"By radical digital citizenship we mean praxis through which individuals and groups: (1) critically analyse the social, political, economic and environmental consequences of technologies in everyday life; (2) collectively deliberate and take action to build alternative and emancipatory technologies and technological practices"
"radical digital citizenship is not concerned with the instrumental process of acquiring digital literacy and capabilities in order to effectively function in an apparently ‘disrupted’ world. Instead, the cornerstone of a radical digital citizenship is the insistence that citizenship is a process of becoming".
"thinking about digital citizenship only in the context of technological change renders digital citizenship as an unproblematic and instrumental process of becoming an ‘effective’ citizen able to cope in a fast changing and disrupted new world of work and leisure. Constructing technology as innocent or neutral misunderstands the social relations of technology and its very real material consequences in our social world".

In that way, it argues that digital citizenship isn't so much about literacy and a set of skills, as it is about citizenship as an non-static act.

Thought I'd share this as a useful definition and a discussion that perhaps challenges some of the more conventional discussions on the topic. Hope it's useful! It's been really instrumental to my own thinking and teaching on the topic.

All the best,


From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Deike Schulz via Air-L <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Sent: 09 January 2024 11:29
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: [Air-L] Examples of digital citizenship and (media)literacy guides and projects

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Dear colleagues,

Right now we’re conducting research for the Dutch Royal Library to make an inventory of national and international digital citizenship initiatives. Our aim is to develop a guide that supports librarians, teachers and students to make an informed decision with regards to this topic when they want to organize an initiative or (research)project by themselves. I’m looking for examples of such guides internationally, from which we could learn (type of content, user experience design, media formats etc.). Examples of successful international digital citizenship projects are also very welcome!

Additionally I would appreciate it very much if members of the AoIR community would like to share their definition of ‘digital citizenship’. We already learned that digital citizenship includes a broad array of definitions, often in direct connection with other terminology such as media literacy.

Many thanks for your help!

Kind regards also on behalf of our research team,

Deike Schulz

Deike Schulz, PhD

Professor Organisations and Social Media
NHL-Stenden University of Applied Sciences
Academy Communication & Creative Business
Professorship Organisations & Social Media

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