[Air-L] Invitation to workshop

Lisa Reutter lisa.m.reutter at ntnu.no
Fri Feb 2 22:43:22 PST 2024

Hei all!

Together with Itzelle Medina Perea from Sheffield University, I'm organizing a workshop about translating critical data and algorithm studies into impact in Copenhagen. How can scholars within critical data and algorithm studies influence people and organizations to think about datafication in a different way that will (hopefully) produce better decisions and societal outcomes than would have been achieved without the presence of their work? Join us for a two-day workshop to discuss impact-related activities. Deadline for application is the 7 February 2024. No abstract needed.

Find all information about the workshop here: https://cts.ku.dk/tim-talks/2024/translating-critical-data-and-algorithm-studies-into-impact/

The aim of the workshop is three-fold.

  1.  Provide a platform for scholars associated with critical data and algorithm studies to discuss their role as researchers of technological change.
  2.  Initiate and establish a network of knowledge-exchange on impact-related activities in the field of critical data and algorithm studies. As part of this effort, we will publish public resources online after the workshop to share the knowledge produced with other researchers.
  3.  Provide a safe and friendly environment to discuss potential collaborations to develop impact-related activities and products (e.g dialogue events or public sector guidelines)

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen!


Lisa and Itzelle!

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