[Air-L] TT Media Studies position at Rutgers (please share job posting)

Regina Marchi rmarchi at rutgers.edu
Mon Aug 28 14:55:32 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

The Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies is seeking an assistant professor in Media Studies, so please share this posting with talented doctoral students who will graduate this spring, assistant professors or postdocs you know, and listservs you are a member of. Thank you for helping to spread the word!




Regina Marchi, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Journalism and Media Studies

RUTGERS UNIVERSITY School of Communication and Information

Affiliated Professor, Dept. of Latino and Caribbean Studies
and Rutgers Center for Latin American Studies

Office:  4 Huntington St, Rm 104, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901

WEBSITE:  https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/marchi-regina

Regina Marchi is the author of:

Day of the Dead in the USA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon, revised and expanded 2nd edition (Rutgers University Press 2022)<https://www.amazon.com/Day-Dead-Second-Transformation-Transnational/dp/1978821638> <https://www.amazon.com/Day-Dead-Second-Transformation-Transnational/dp/1978821638>   🏵

Young People and the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism Cambridge University Press 2017<https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/young-people-and-the-future-of-news/E73A053188B9C194ADF02FEEA8F94574> written with Lynn Schofield Clark.

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