[Air-L] Participants needed for survey on understanding social media in the daily lives of autistic young people

Jessica Aiston j.aiston at qmul.ac.uk
Tue Mar 26 03:11:39 PDT 2024

Dear Association of Internet Researchers,

I am sharing this message again because the closing date has changed.

I am a postdoctoral researcher at Queen Mary University of London, working on the project Autism in Affinity Spaces<http://autisminaffinityspaces.org/>. The project aims to explore how young autistic people communicate in online spaces dedicated to intense interests and how social media groups can be improved so they better support the needs of autistic users.

We are currently running an initial survey about social media usage, particularly in relation to areas of intense interests. The survey is open to anyone in the UK, who is aged 16-26, and identifies as autistic (an official diagnosis is not a requirement to take part). We particularly welcome participation from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic groups as well as people who identify as non-speaking or low-speaking, as these groups are currently under-represented in autism research. The survey has been developed with autistic young people and should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.

The closing date for the survey is 24th of May 2024. After the survey, you can register your interest in taking part in the next stage of research, which will involve interviews and linguistic analysis of your social media posts.

To take the survey, visit: https://qmulbusiness.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4SDZuBAW5QHHKHc

Best wishes,
Jessica Aiston

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