[Air-L] Call for chapters 'The Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Education'

Pelletier, Caroline c.pelletier at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Mar 5 08:08:18 PST 2024

Dear AOIR community
Wayne Holmes and I are co-editing a book called the Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Education, due out in 2025. We would very much like contributions from a wide range of fields and disciplines, as we mean 'education' very broadly, to include any social practice involve teaching and learning, including in workplaces, cultural and community centres, higher education, schools, online spaces, and so on. We've called it the handbook of Critical Studies because we are focused on the social, cultural and political implications of AI. We are aiming to offer a different angle to the dominant one in education, which has historically focused on how AI can make existing educational arrangements more efficient. More details and the call for chapters is here: https://www.edtech.ut.ee/csaied/handbook-of-csaied/. These are indicative topics:
*         How AI is influencing education policy, and vice versa
*         AI, commercialisation and platformisation in education
*         How AI is implicated in monitoring and shaping behaviour in education
*         Conceptions of data and their consequences for education
*         Prediction and predictive analytics in education
*         Facial recognition technologies in use in education
*         AI ethics as lived practice in education
*         AI and the re-configuration of work in education
*         AI and the enrolment of new actors in education
*         AI's impact on definitions of what it means to be educated, to be a student with rights, on educational ethics
*         The place of AI in educational infrastructures
*         AI and educational imaginaries
*         AI and the production of educational subjects and subjectivities
*         AI and alternative or utopian education
*         AI, critique, and research in education
*         The discourses of AI in education
*         AI and the politics of representation in education
*         AI and re-configurations of justice in education
*         AI, colonial and decolonial approaches to education
*         AI critical literacy and education
*         How, educationally, we respond to AI hype, AI biases, fake news, and so on
The handbook will be published in 2025, as part of the Elgar Handbooks series. Chapters should be approximately 8,000 words, although shorter essays may also be included. There will be approximately 30 chapters with a total word count of around 240,000 words. If you would like to submit a chapter for this handbook, please send a 300-word (plus references) proposal to the editors by 15th March 2024 (critical.ai.ed at gmail.com). You are very welcome to contact me in the first instance to discuss any ideas, and also to extend the abstract submission deadline if need be.
Many thanks,
Dr. Caroline Pelletier
Department of Culture, Communication and Media
UCL Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL , UK

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