[Air-L] Seeking Distributed Research Teams to Participate in Study

Jordan Duran jduran4 at uncc.edu
Wed Feb 28 10:54:15 PST 2024

Dear Air-L community, 

Are you working in a research team that regularly meets online? We at the VICE lab (Virtual Identity, Community, and Entitativity) at UNC Charlotte are conducting a study on how distributed research teams develop and maintain their connections during and between their virtual meetings. 

We are currently seeking a wide variety of research teams in STEM, social sciences, and humanities to participate in this research. Research teams can have a variety of purposes including but not limited to basic research, applied research & development, grant writing, policy creation, data collection & analysis, and manuscript preparation. We prefer teams ranging from 3 and 10 people who have regular virtual meetings.  Participation will include completing a series of surveys and sharing recordings of four consecutive meetings. One member of the research team will serve as our lead contact to help with coordination. 

If chosen to participate in the study, the team contact will receive compensation of up to $250 and each team member will receive up to $150. Please note that at this time we can only enroll teams where all members are in the United States. 

If you are interested, you can fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0atML-6NzsxWVpXWxa0WWPuNXYYzVJ92F4kBkEjmYf2NVHQ/viewform Filling out the form is not a commitment to participate, it is just letting us know that you are interested in participating and a member of our lab will follow up with you individually. 

If you have questions, you can visit our study website https://pages.charlotte.edu/researchteams/ or contact Dr. Anita Blanchard (Anita.Blanchard at charlotte.edu)

Kind regards, 
Jordan Duran 
VICE Lab <https://pages.charlotte.edu/virtual-communities-lab/>, UNC Charlotte 
Doctoral Candidate, Organizational Science Ph.D. Program 

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