[Air-L] TT position in Tech Ethics at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy

Robyn Caplan robyn at datasociety.net
Wed Sep 6 10:39:01 PDT 2023

Hi All,

We're currently searching for someone to hold the inaugural Bruce Payne
Chair at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy. We're looking
for someone Assistant or Associate-level at the intersection of ethics and
public policy, with expertise in technology ethics.

Possible areas of emphasis include privacy, data bias, algorithmic systems,
structural inequalities in technology access, or the democratic or societal
implications of technological change. The committee is open to people with
tech ethics expertise across various domains as well (especially other
areas like public health, media, international relations, etc., that can
create interesting connections within the policy school).

Duke (as I have very recently discovered) is an amazing place to work!

*Can you please share this job call far and wide?*

*Applications submitted by September 30th are given full consideration*.
Contact Philip Napoli (philip.napoli at duke.edu) with questions.

Thank you!

Robyn Caplan

Assistant Professor of Technology Policy
Sanford School for Public Policy
Duke University

Senior Lecturing Fellow
Center for Science and Society
Duke University

Research Affiliate
Data & Society Research Institute

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