[Air-L] Invitation: GNI Annual Learning Forum and Freedom on the Net in Brussels

Setu Bandh Upadhyay setubupadhyay at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 23:37:58 PDT 2023

Dear Air-L Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to join the *Global Network Initiative on October
24 - 25 in Brussels, Belgium for our Annual Learning Forum and for the
Freedom on the Net 2023 report launch in collaboration with Freedom House*.
Both events will bring together various stakeholders from the realms of
human rights, corporate accountability, and multi-stakeholder
collaboration. Please RSVP here <https://forms.gle/B2ByPUvfXmXCZizq5>.

On *Tuesday 24th October, 15:00 -18:00*, GNI, in collaboration with Freedom
House, will celebrate the launch of Freedom on the Net 2023 report, which
is an annual survey and analysis of global internet freedom conducted by
Freedom House. The event will be in-person and will be followed by a

On *Wednesday 25th, 14:00 - 18:00*, GNI will host its flagship public
Annual Learning Forum (ALF). The ALF will foster dialogue and knowledge
exchange on the evolving governance of technology, comparing GNI's human
rights-focused assessment process with the risk assessments and due
diligence mandated by new laws like the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The event will be
hybrid and will be followed by a reception.

RSVP Link: https://forms.gle/B2ByPUvfXmXCZizq5. For any questions or
clarifications, please contact Setu Bandh UPADHYAY at
supadhyay at globalnetworkinitiative.org.

Thank you!

Kind regards,

*Setu Bandh Upadhyay* | Membership & Learning Associate
+91 9769570547 | tw: @theGNI <https://twitter.com/theGNI>
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