[Air-L] Invitation to submit articles: Journal of Applied Youth Studies

Natalie Hendry natalie.hendry at unimelb.edu.au
Tue Oct 10 18:42:15 PDT 2023

Hello AoIR friends and colleagues,

I'm sharing this invitation to publish in the Journal of Applied Youth Studies widely, so sorry for cross-posting.

I'm especially keen to share with AoIR as one of the journal's recent commentary pieces was written after we met Maria at the AoIR conference in Ireland. After her presentation at AoIR, Maria Murumaa-Mengel (University of Tartu, Estonia) contributed a commentary article about the messy challenges of youth and media research, teaching and activism in the context of war<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43151-023-00095-x>.

Feel free to share our invitation below with your networks and colleagues.


Invitation to submit articles: Journal of Applied Youth Studies

We invite all scholars working in youth studies and youth-related fields to submit articles to the Journal of Applied Youth Studies<https://www.springer.com/journal/43151>. We’re a relatively young Springer journal (since 2020), that was first published in 2015 through the Centre for Applied Youth Research, at the University of Tasmania, Australia.

The journal has recently been indexed by Scopus: Q1 for cultural studies, Q2 for social science / sociology / anthropology, and Q3 for education.

We welcome submissions from researchers within and beyond academia, across the research – policy – practice – theory spectrum on issues that concern youth and young adults. The journal is interdisciplinary and welcomes papers from disciplines that engage with the diversity and complexity of young people’s lives, as well as the social, cultural, economic and political conditions that young people and their communities experience. It aims to be of relevance to researchers, students, practitioners and policy-makers internationally. The journal publishes theoretical and policy papers, and qualitative and quantitative analytical articles. We do not typically publish papers from developmental psychology, as the journal focuses on scholarship following a critical, constructivist tradition.

We especially welcome contextual or critical engagement with digital media and other technologies in relation to youth.

Submissions go through a double-blind peer review, and there are no article processing charges at any stage of submission through to publication. Institutions that have open access publishing agreements with Springer are welcome to arrange open access publishing for accepted articles.

Please reach out to us off the email list if you have any questions.


JAYS Co-editors

Natalie Hendry, Julia Cook, Ben Hanckel

Dr Natalie Ann Hendry | Senior Lecturer in Youth Wellbeing


Faculty of Education

100 Leicester Street, Carlton

The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia

03 834 46193

twitter.com/projectnat<https://twitter.com/projectnat> | education.unimelb.edu.au<https://education.unimelb.edu.au/>

Colleagues, staff and students: Trying to resolve a "sticky" research issue related to integrity, authorship, ethics or something else? Reach out, confidentially, to me or another Research Integrity Advisor at the university.<https://gateway.research.unimelb.edu.au/resources/ethics-and-integrity/research-integrity/contacts/research-integrity-advisors>

Students: Have questions about your study plan, courses or enrolment? Submit your question here.<https://forms.your.unimelb.edu.au/4747069?SID=a3x2e0000000CDW>

New articles:

Information, influence, ritual, participation: Defining digital sexual health<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/14407833221136579> - Kath Albury & Natalie Ann Hendry, Journal of Sociology

“Hey lovely! Don’t miss this opportunity!”: Digital temporalities of wellness culture, email marketing and the promise of bodily abundance<https://doi.org/10.1177/14407833221101397> - Natalie Ann Hendry, Journal of Sociology, 2022

Health education, social media, and tensions of authenticity in the ‘influencer pedagogy’ of health influencer Ashy Bines<https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2021.2006691> - Natalie Ann Hendry, Catherine Hartung & Rosie Welch, Learning, Media & Technology, 2021

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which I work, and pay my respects to the Elders, past and present.

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