[Air-L] Funded PhD and 3-year postdoc in politics, digital technologies and governance

Bolsover, Gillian Gillian.Bolsover at hpi.de
Tue Nov 21 05:09:24 PST 2023

Hello A,

We have an opening for a fully-funded PhD position and a three-year post-doc position to join the politics, digital technologies and governance research group at the the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) at the University of Postdam in Germany.

Located in beautiful, leafy Potsdam, but also with easy commuting distance of Berlin, the HPI is an interdisciplinary research institute focused on computer science and digital technologies. While initially focusing on IT, computer science and digital engineering, the institute is rapidly expanding its research within the social sciences (as they intersect with digital technologies).

We are particularly interested in research proposals that sit within or are similar to the following research themes:
-     political communication as it intersects with digital technologies, for instance, misinformation and online opinion manipulation;
-     digital and technological data collection and surveillance by states and/or corporations;
-     information power, computational propaganda and information warfare;
-     technology governance and policy, either from a state or a corporate perspective;
-     the changing nature of citizenship in the Internet age, including online social movements and the drivers of political activity.

Due to funding requirements, all projects must include a study of one or more developing countries (according to the OECD DAC list) but may also include the study of other countries comparatively or as relevant geopolitical players.

Further details at,

PhD position:


Post-doc positon:



Dr G Bolsover
Professor of Digital Technology, Governance and Policy
Hasso Plattner Institut, University of Potsdam

Publications at Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=MOitBtYAAAAJ&view_op=list_works>

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