[Air-L] New PhD program and 2 postdocs at U of Virginia

Kevin Driscoll driscollkevin at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 11:20:10 PST 2023

Hello AIR-L!

Greetings from Media Studies at the University of Virginia! I am writing to
share information about a new PhD program in Media Studies and two
postdocs--one in Race, Place, and Justice; and one in Technology and
Democracy--at University of Virginia. See below for details on each.

We have a stellar faculty and community. Come join us!


1. PhD program in Media Studies

We are thrilled to be launching a fully funded PhD in Media Studies in Fall

Deadline: December 15

Information and application here:

Please note that we also have an MA program in Media, Technology, and

2. Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Research Associate

This is a fully funded two year postdoc with an emphasis on mentorship. It
is for researchers focused on race, place and equity, specifically Black
and Indigenous studies of the United States.

Deadline: January 15

Information and application here:

3. Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Technology for Democracy Lab

This is a two year fully funded postdoc in an interdisciplinary research
lab focused on digital technology for democracy, broadly defined.

Deadline: January 15

Information and application here:

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