[Air-L] Online seminar: Meryl Alper- Autistic Youth, Mental Health, and the Sociotechnical Shaping of Sociality

Ranjana Das r.das at surrey.ac.uk
Fri Nov 3 03:38:11 PDT 2023

List members might be interested in this free, online 1 hour talk by Dr Meryl Alper<https://merylalper.com/>, Northeastern University, US, on Wednesday 29th November at 8 am EST (1 pm GMT) - hosted by the Digital Societies Research Group<https://www.surrey.ac.uk/department-sociology/research/digital-societies> at the Department of Sociology, University of Surrey UK - as part of its Dialogues series.

Meryl will be giving a talk titled "Autistic Youth, Mental Health, and the Sociotechnical Shaping of Sociality." - drawing upon her new book - Kids Across the Spectrums<https://direct.mit.edu/books/oa-monograph/5626/Kids-Across-the-SpectrumsGrowing-Up-Autistic-in>, published with MIT Press this year.

Joining Link: Should you wish to join us - do sign up on this link<https://www.surrey.ac.uk/events/20231129-dialogues-digital-societies-event-kids-across-spectrums>!

Best, Ranjana.

Professor Ranjana Das
Professor in Media and Communication

Student Consultation Hours in Semester 1: Wednesdays 0930-1130; Thursdays 1300-1500

New 2023 papers:

  *   Contexts and dimensions of algorithm literacies: Parents' algorithm literacies amidst the datafication of parenthood<https://www-tandfonline-com.surrey.idm.oclc.org/doi/full/10.1080/10714421.2023.2247825>. Out now in The Communication Review
  *   Parents' understandings of social media algorithms in children's lives<https://www-tandfonline-com.surrey.idm.oclc.org/doi/full/10.1080/17482798.2023.2240899>. Out now in Journal of Children and Media
  *   Conditional trust: Citizens' council on data-driven media personalisation and public expectations of transparency and accountability<https://journals-sagepub-com.surrey.idm.oclc.org/doi/10.1177/20539517231184892>. Out now in Big Data & Society
  *   Parent networks, transitional moments and the role of the digital<https://bristoluniversitypressdigital.com/view/journals/frs/aop/article-10.1332-204674321X16841332631111/article-10.1332-204674321X16841332631111.xml>. Out now in Families, Relationships and Societies

New project: Leverhulme Research Grant 2023-2025: Parents' news use, risk and crises in datafied societies

New project: British Academy Grant 2023-2025: Exploring practices around emerging technologies in families raising bilingual children

Twitter: @ProfRanjanaDas<https://twitter.com/DrRanjanaDas>
Web: Prof Ranjana Das | University of Surrey<https://www.surrey.ac.uk/people/ranjana-das>

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