[Air-L] How to recruit without spamming?

Colin Delany cpd at epolitics.com
Thu May 5 08:31:35 PDT 2022

Yet another of Facebook's "joyously" opaque processes, unfortunately. Does the page have followers? And a track record of publishing content? If it was just created, the level of scrutiny is usually higher. Rule of thumb: get to a minimum of 25 followers right away.

BTW, I've done *a lot* of outreach and recruiting on Facebook, mostly for advocacy groups, both organic and paid, and it's not exactly an easy process. You usually have to reach many thousands of people to recruit a handful, and almost all of us have to pay for the privilege if we want to get any kind of volume. Frustrating, yes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Hale via Air-L" <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
To: "air-l" <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 10:33:00 AM
Subject: [Air-L] How to recruit without spamming?

Hi everyone, can anyone advise me about how to recruit research
participants from particular Facebook pages or Twitter threads without
spamming? I just got a Research Page I created on Facebook unpublished
after two comments I posted included a standard blurb inviting research
participants, that was approved by my IRB, and two replies in a thread were
very similar because I wanted both participants in that thread to be
research participants. Not sure which of these two repetitions violated
FB's policy against "repeating the same comment"--probably the two replies
that were almost identical (I note that Twitter has a similar policy).
But I can't figure out how to avoid the repetition and stay within my IRB
requirements, because unless I've misunderstood, they require me to have a
standard invitation that they approve ...

Any advice much appreciated!
Tom Hale
PhD Candidate in Intercultural Studies
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