[Air-L] Jobs at Univ Amsterdam - Media Studies - OSINT / digital methods

rogers at govcom.org rogers at govcom.org
Thu Jun 23 10:37:59 PDT 2022

Hello all,

We have a postdoc as well as a researcher position available to study misinformation online, combining OSINT with digital methods. The jobs are for 3 years, working on an EU project called vera.ai. 

There is a relatively short amount of time to apply for the jobs, and interviews are to be held on July 14th, with the positions to start ideally on September 1st.

Here are the job adverts:

https://vacatures.uva.nl/UvA/job/Research-Officer-in-the-Study-of-Misinformation/749494802/ <https://vacatures.uva.nl/UvA/job/Research-Officer-in-the-Study-of-Misinformation/749494802/>

Best regards
Richard Rogers

Prof. Richard Rogers
Media Studies
University of Amsterdam
r.a.rogers at uva.nl

Out now:
R. Rogers (2019), Doing Digital Methods, Los Angeles: Sage.

Just out:
R. Rogers and S. Niederer (eds.) (2020), The Politics of Social Media Manipulation, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Coming soon:
R. Rogers (ed.) (2022). The Propagation of Misinformation across Social Media. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

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