[Air-L] ZOOM RECORDING: Platforms and Cultural Production book event | LSE Digital Ethnography Collective

Glatt,ZA (pgr) Z.A.Glatt at lse.ac.uk
Fri Apr 8 02:52:52 PDT 2022

Hi all,

For those of you who were unable to attend yesterday’s LSE Digital Ethnography Collective event on Platforms and Cultural Production (Polity, 2021), with authors Brooke Erin Duffy, Thomas Poell and David Nieborg, the zoom recording is now available to watch here: https://tinyurl.com/4w3k5nby

It was a lovely event, thanks so much to everyone who joined and engaged with the authors! You can read more info below and find a 20% discount code for the book, which will be active until the end of the year.

All the best,



The authors will presented some of the findings of the book, which examines both the processes and implications of platformisation across the cultural industries. This was be followed by an audience Q&A. The event was be chaired by LDEC Co-Founder Zoë Glatt, with Q&A moderated by Ludmila Lupinacci.


The widespread uptake of digital platforms – from YouTube and Instagram to Twitch and TikTok – is reconfiguring cultural production in profound, complex, and highly uneven ways. Longstanding media industries are experiencing tremendous upheaval, while new industrial formations – live-streaming, social media influencing, and podcasting, among others – are evolving at a breakneck pace. In 'Platforms and Cultural Production', the authors identify key changes in markets, infrastructures, and governance at play in this ongoing transformation, as well as pivotal shifts in the practices of labour, creativity, and democracy. Foregrounding simultaneous changes in institutional relations and cultural practices, the authors define platformisation as: the penetration of digital platforms’ economic, infrastructural, and governmental extensions into the cultural industries, as well as the organization of cultural practices of labour, creativity, and democracy around these platforms. Exploring how these interrelated changes take shape in different industrial and geographic contexts, they discuss key variations in the trajectories of transformation. This analytical framework should assist students, scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners in their efforts to understand how the institutions and practices of cultural production are evolving in the era of platforms.

**You can purchase the book with a 20% discount provided by Polity Books using the code 'PCP02' at checkout HERE<https://www.politybooks.com/bookdetail?book_slug=platforms-and-cultural-production--9781509540501>. Code eligible until the end of 2022**


Brooke Erin Duffy is an Associate Professor at Cornell University, where she holds appointments in the Department of Communication and the Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program. Her specific areas of interest include digital and social media industries; gender, identity, and inequality; and the impact of new technologies on creative work and labour. She's the author of two monographs on gender and cultural production, including (Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love: Gender, Social Media, and Aspirational Work (Yale University Press, 2017), which Wired ranked as one of the "Top Tech Books of 2017."

Thomas Poell is Professor of Data, Culture & Institutions at the University of Amsterdam and director of the Research Priority Area on Global Digital Cultures. His research is focused on the societal consequences of the rise of digital platforms. He has published widely on social media and popular protests around the globe, as well as on the role of these media in the development of new forms of journalism. Poell is co-author of three books, including The Platform Society: Public Values in a Connective World (Oxford University Press, 2018).

David B. Nieborg is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Toronto. He holds a PhD from the University of Amsterdam and held visiting and fellowship appointments with MIT, the Queensland University of Technology, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He published widely on the game industry, app and platform economics, and game journalism in academic outlets such as New Media & Society, Social Media + Society and Media, Culture and Society.

~We are the LSE Digital Ethnography Collective, an interdisciplinary group exploring the intersections of digital culture and ethnographic methods. We invite scholars at all levels to join us for events where we host speakers and workshop new ideas. The aim of the group to establish a community of scholars of digital ethnography and to work through challenges in this emerging subdiscipline. Follow us on Twitter (@DigEthnogLSE) and join our mailing list (https://tinyurl.com/y5a6odte) to hear about exciting new scholarship in this area as well as updates on all of our future events.~

Zoë Glatt
ESRC PhD Researcher in Media & Communications
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Co-Founder: LSE Digital Ethnography Collective @DigEthnogLSE<https://twitter.com/DigEthnogLSE>
Graduate Student Rep 2019-2021: Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
Managing Editor 2018-2020: ICA journal Communication, Culture & Critique<https://academic.oup.com/ccc/pages/About>
YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/user/Zedstergal> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ZoeGlatt> | LSE bio<http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/people/phd-researchers/zoe-glatt>

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