[Air-L] Registration still open for the Museum of Random Memory preconference in Montreal

Annette Markham amarkham at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 08:08:00 PDT 2018

Friends and Colleagues,

Early Registration deadline for the Montreal AoIR conference is upon us. And I invite you to participate in our pre conference. Sign up soon!!

We’re doing the Museum of Random Memory (MoRM) as an arts-based installation / intervention this year at AoIR in Montreal. The main MoRM event will be on Friday, but we’re also doing a preconference workshop. I know there are other amazing pre conferences to sign up for—even I want to double book and I’m running the pre conference!

The MoRM workshop focuses on two things: 1) concerns about what's being preserved or discarded in the datafied age, and how this impacts future histories and memories; and 2) What is involved/required to build public-facing data (media, digital) literacy initiatives around automated archiving and curating practices and personal memory making.  We’ll be talking about critical pedagogy frameworks, discussing the conceptual underpinnings of MoRM, and showcasing previous versions of MoRM. In the afternoon, we’ll head over to the MoRM venue as a group to work more concretely and creatively on the performative elements of doing public engagement, as we prepare for Friday's exhibition/intervention. Obviously, we’ll be doing some pre Montreal planning for the exhibition, and we invite participants to join our team of ‘Uncurators' in making MoRM specifically for the AoIR community.  This is not required for you to participate in the pre-conference. 

If you’re curious, you can ask me about it, or follow up here:

To sign up: https://goo.gl/forms/2LYtjCeso0414DpE3   
To learn more about MoRM: https://futuremaking.space/morm/ <https://futuremaking.space/morm/>
To read about the pre conference on the AoIR website and to register for the conference: https://aoir.org/aoir2018/preconfwrkshop/#MRM <https://aoir.org/aoir2018/preconfwrkshop/#MRM>



Annette N. Markham, Ph.D.
Professor MSO, School of Communication & Culture, Aarhus University
Affiliate Professor, School of Communication, Loyola University, Chicago  
amarkham at cc.au.dk
Project pages: http://futuremaking.space
Twitter: annettemarkham

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